
A weasel is an encounterable animal. It is not aggressive unless provoked.

Ingame description:

Sporting a coat of ginger fur, this creature is long and lithe with four
comparatively short legs; he vaguely resembles a lizard covered with fur. His
stomach, throat, and chin are completely covered with white. Each of his paws
has needle-sharp claws. His tail is short and tapered. His blunt, rounded ears
lie close to the sides of his head. The tip of his muzzle ends in a pink
nosepad. He has long, bristly whiskers and beady dark brown eyes.

Where light forest heavy forest plains hills mountains marsh desert swamp
Spawns Near or In lake river ocean

Note: all animal locations are in-progress. If you find one of these animals in a location not listed, please message Musica in the game or email arcmoonblade(at)gmail(dot)com

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