
A lizard is an encounterable animal. It is sometimes aggressive.

Ingame description:

This little dull green reptile is small enough to fit in the palm of a child,
his beady black eyes small and bright. He has four short legs that bend
sharply at the knee, each ending in a claw-toed foot, with the hindlegs
slightly more developed than his forelegs. His body is long and lithe,
tapering into a slender tail; the scales on his belly are slightly lighter than
the rest. The lizard's head is shaped like an elongated diamond. His tongue
is pinkish-orange, surrounded by teeth so small that they're barely visible.

Where light forest heavy forest plains hills mountains marsh desert swamp
Spawns Near or In lake river ocean

This creature has also been spotted in thick wasted forest and wastelands (wasted plains).

Note: all animal locations are in-progress. If you find one of these animals in a location not listed, please message Musica in the game or email arcmoonblade(at)gmail(dot)com

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