
A beaver is an encounterable animal. It is exclusive to the Ydra region. It is not aggressive unless attacked.

Ingame description:

He is a plump rodent covered in a thick coat of chestnut fur, save for his
tail, which is hairless and paddle-shaped. His legs are relatively short,
especially the front two; his hind legs end in what look more like flippers
than feet due in no small part to their thick webbing. Both sets of paws are
clawed. The beaver's ears are small, round, and set close to his head, and his
dark brown eyes are equally tiny, but his muzzle is broad with a well-defined
nosepad. His jaws boast a set of large incisors, similar to a rabbit's or a
rat's but on a much bigger scale, and they look more than capable of delivering
a powerful bite.

Where light forest heavy forest plains hills mountains marsh desert swamp
Spawns Near or In lake river ocean

Note: all animal locations are in-progress. If you find one of these animals in a location not listed, please message Musica in the game or email arcmoonblade(at)gmail(dot)com

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